The Applications of the Science of Reincarnation, 85,000 words, consciousness science, the afterlife, the ramifications, political science, the military connection, aliens, disclosure.
The Applications of the Science of Reincarnation: The afterlife is real; you can visit it now and the military knows how. It is a 4th-dimensional state occupied by real non-corporeal beings. This 4th dimensional state includes heaven and explains aliens. They are here, and the government knows. Disclosure that they know has already happened.
Robert Monroe provided instructions on how to reach that state using the Gateway Process. The Assessment and Analysis of the Gateway Process, written by Lt. Col. Wayne M McDonnell and declassified in 2003 shows that the US Army agrees. The author says in recommendation #J, “Be intellectually prepared to react to possible encounters with intelligent, non-corporeal energy forms when time-space boundaries have been exceeded.”
The Monroe Institute’s “Vision for the Future represents our goal of reaching 1% of the World’s population with a direct experience of expanded awareness, so they know they are more than our physical bodies.” This traverses McDonnell’s and Monroe’s landscapes.
In 2023 Billionaire Robert Bigelow assembled the best consciousness scientists in the world to answer the question Prove the Survival of Human Consciousness Beyond Permanent Bodily Death with a $1.5 million prize. The proof of my soul is in my electrical energy because that is who I am in this life, I inhabit this body.
This book proposes a 44-billion-dollar plan that begins with $450 million invested in Consciousness Research to address our proven changing predicament.
We ask billionaire Robert Bigelow to be the fiduciary and lead this plan. The money will be managed by both Bigelow and the Consciousness Center at the University of Arizona, run by Nobel Prize winner Stuart Hameroff, a global consortium of the best consciousness researchers in the world funded by the 2200 billionaires.
The commanding general of the Army Future Corp is charged with developing weapons systems to fight a war 30 years in the future. Since 2019 AFC has spent 33 billion dollars and got “No harvestable weapons systems” in return for that money.
The twenty chairs of parapsychology proposed in the education section of this proposal/book will be a weapons platform to harvest information on all enemies, foreign and domestic, as well as exo-political actors, (read aliens). A bargain at $450 million.
About the author
Bob Good is the executive director of the International Association for the Science of Reincarnation (, a think tank that promotes sound scientific information about reincarnation and the nature of consciousness.
Bob spent a lifetime in pharmaceutical and military research. He was involved with Business Executives for National Security, a Washington-based think tank whose mission is to bring efficient business practices into the US military.
Bob has spoken about providing education on the science of reincarnation and has lectured at Florida Atlantic University, the International Association for Near-Death Studies, and has also appeared on the History Channel’s show Ancient Aliens and various talk radio shows.
He writes both science and science fiction.
Much is happening in the world of consciousness science. Rather than reading through reams of papers we have created a simple visual guide here at our own you tube channel. By watching the video below, you will learn about the science of reincarnation and the mathematics of reincarnation easily which will make your repeated visits here more interesting. Why repeated visits? Because IASOR, The International Association for the Science of Reincarnation and TIFACS The Institute for Advanced Consciousness Research have joined hands and are seeking to raise 450 million dollars for consciousness research.
Finally, there is a place for you comments and participation and that is on our reddit forum r/reincarnationscience
This paper’s purpose is to fund consciousness research considering three emerging incontrovertible facts. 1 – Aliens are present in our skies, and parts of the US government are in contact with them. 2 – Artificial Intelligence is now sentient and, in 12 years, will be more intelligent than us. 3 – The Science of Reincarnation is not just the individual experience we believe in but do not understand; it is the rebirth of our global consciousness and turning that belief into understanding because of our increasing ability to process larger amounts of data.
The significance of the intersection of aliens and artificial intelligence with our own is that we cannot become an intergalactic species behaving like a bunch of warring tribes. We need to, at the same time, organize ourselves to speak with one voice to the universe and its visitors to earth and understand how to connect with our common mind, to understand and agree to a higher model of ourselves—a rebirth of society based on our collective and cohesive effort. Governments and politicians are not capable of leading this. A new independent structure needs to emerge, independent of government whose sole goal is to care for humanity.
The methodology is to create a consortium of billionaires like the consortium of schools that make up the consciousness center affiliates. Our best scientists using the best protocols will set up an independent program to access universal consciousness and its application to changing our system of managing our laws
and ourselves. The initial 450‐million‐dollar plan is divided into nine individual 50‐million‐dollar segments funding research in each area and is presented to all billionaires as a cohesive plan led by our best. The project proposes how to engage billionaires to collectively invest in an overall consciousness research program and then be courageous enough to face the consequences.
The Individual proposals are 1‐Consciousness, 2‐Contact, 3‐The Common Constitution, 4‐Consciousness, Commerce and the Law, 5‐Education, 6‐Applied Research, 7‐Theory Development, 8‐Empiricism, and 9‐Conclusion.
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