

The Benefits of framing a study entitled The Geo Political Ramifications of using the Science of Reincarnation (SOR) as a method of improving US Global Competitiveness
The US Government funds a study on the science of reincarnation to produce a common narrative as to what is the most scientifically probable reality regarding reincarnation and what might be technologically and medically possible in the next 30 years. This study is to recommend an action plan.

Using the Science of Reincarnation as a counter radicalization initiative in accordance with the National Security Preparedness Group’s Guidelines
This white paper discusses how to use The Science of Reincarnation as a global counter radicalization and counter terrorism initiative as outlined by the Bi Partisan Policy Commission’s National Security Preparedness Group’s report.

The best methods of implementing a counter radicalization initiative using the Science of Reincarnation in accordance with the National Security Preparedness Group’s Guidelines
This white paper discusses the best methods of how to implement the initiatives of the Science of Reincarnation strategy to counter radicalization and terrorism in accordance with the National Security Preparedness Group’s guidelines.

How to crowd fund and crowd source a foreign policy initiative using the Science of Reincarnation
This white paper discusses the best methods of how to found and fund the Institute for the Science of Reincarnation, fund the education, fund the science and fund the foreign policy.