We expect the conventions section to grow. Listed below are conventions in the America that pertain to some aspect of the Science of Reincarnation.
We are looking to develop a global listing of all conventions. If you are interested in attending a convention we will be updating this list with dates, and contact information. If you would like to see a convention listed here please send us the information through our contact us page and we will add it.
• IRVA Remote Viewing Convention
• IANDS Near Death Experience Convention
• Afterlife Convention
If you would like to add the science of reincarnation as an addition to what you offer your attendees, below would be a convention event schedule that you could add to your own convention.
We are offering an IASOR convention schedule to run in conjunction with those organizations that host their own conventions. So for example if you are going to host an IRVA convention, or an afterlife convention you could host at the same time an IASOR program to run concurrently with your convention as a onetime event.
• It increases the amount of information you can dispense and draws attendees from the other disciplines increasing your attendance.
• It informs your core attendees how to access greater markets and support.
• It helps with cross disciplinary studies.
• It gives you greater resources for your own organization’s needs.
What follows is an example of a schedule for an IASOR convention to be run in conjunction with your own convention
Arrival, registration, set up, and golf tournament. A general opening night dinner will be held for all members and the musical group GAS will perform the rock opera Transcendence that evening in the lounge.
8:30-10:00 am
General session, opening remarks, keynote address.
Our keynote speaker is Tim Scala. Tim is a noted economist and published author and will speak on making markets. Tim will talk about how markets are created and how profits are made through the cross connection of companies and individuals operating in those markets.
From 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
We will break into 2 45 minute sessions of different presentations.
10:15 am to 11:00 am
Tim Scala will be available for a 45 minute session to advise individuals and organizations on how to best take advantage of the opportunities in this emerging community. Get your personal questions answered here.
10:15 am to 11:00 am (Cont.)
We will provide a speaker who will speak on what internet standard has to be met so that your website can connect to the organization’s website and the larger community as a whole. This directly relates to your website’s ability to make money from the common data base our organization is hosting. It allows our members the ability to place products on our database and host it on their website so that it looks as though it’s your own. This will be running this in both sessions.
Should IASOR member wish to present at a convention or work and IASOR convention
Apply here to run a 45 minute session at our first convention. If you would like to give a talk or make a presentation on your company organization or product line please submit that proposal with your membership application.
11:15 am to 12:00 pm
A speaker will speak on the science of reincarnation and its political applications.
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Break for lunch
1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
The object of the morning session was to explain the science its ramifications in the opportunities that exist. It was also explain the execution of the science the economic interconnectivity of the players within the community and the resultant benefit to the community as a whole.
The afternoon session will begin with the general session and then broken up into groups self-organized by interest. It will be here that the speakers from the morning will act as moderators so that members of different organizations can interact with each other and make new connections.
In the morning session we learned about how to connect to the common database. In the afternoon session those organizations with like interests, for instance masseuses and massage oil providers. By now connecting the common interests, we can now cross market.
Not to be forgotten is our commitment to doing the science and educating people about it. We are looking for a committee to make recommendations about what studies or experiments should be done that we can fund, and who should do them.
The schedule for the afternoon session will be announced.
There will be a closing dinner and then the group GAS will again do the rock opera Transcendence but this time will include any musicians who attend the convention. The sheet music is online prior to the convention.
©2025 International Association For The Science Of Reincarnation, LLC. All Rights Reserved.