In the future, the existence of the human race hangs by a thread. Earth is being besieged by alien forces, and physicist Ben Simon must develop a weapon system to stop the scourge and save humanity. The largest enemy is the Cylots, an alien population of human-sized insects. They are destroyers who never lose—a space plague that leaves dead bodies and lifeless planets in its wake.
The Reincarnation Strategy is about the first scientist who proves that reincarnation happens. His information is needed to save Earth from destruction. But he is in hiding, a hunted man. The problem for humanity: If he can save Earth, where will that information lead?
The concluding book in the reincarnation trilogy. The first family of this new science fights to save humanity and earth from constant attack and threats of destruction not by destroying its enemies but transforming those enemies and themselves. The first and currently only series that deals with this new science of reincarnation and it’s political, military and sexually unintended consequences.
Ben Simon, dead at the end of the second book, reincarnates as Gabriel. Born on the planet Kaf to his ambassador parents he tries to rejoin the fight as a 5 year old child. His daughter Lerrie, now in her early 20’s never having been with a human male is now paired with Joe, a pot smoking retired navy seal who accidentally got caught up in this war in the future. In order to retain her position as a royal princess in that society when she chose a mate she had to prove she adhered to the Lalian customs,
So a question to the reader, if you were a 25 year old male stuck on a small space ship with a beautiful, strong minded, intelligent woman, who had never been with her own species, and whose only concept of romantic interaction was that of the Lalians, the race on whose planet she had grown up what would you do?
Stories from the Cylot Wars is a companion book to the Reincarnation Trilogy. It explains actions during those wars that were occurring at the same time, but outside the scope of the trilogy. It also explains in part how the author came to be the agent for Ben Simon in this time period.
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